Back to school season! / by amy weiland

Hi all! The smell of Maple Spice Lattes and pumpkin pastries wafting through the air has us looking anxiously towards the fall. We have also had a number of diligent Virgos inquire as to what the next drink special would be!

The Virgo process is constantly inquiring how a person can have a positive impact on their environment, or how small steps may lead toward some great work. On a good day, Virgo is the analyst. Give this sign a data set and watch the magic happen. On a bad day, Virgo carries out it's nasty reputation for nit-picking, suggesting improvement in ways that aren't helpful.

Being associated with the Earth element, Virgo prefers things to be natural. In the northern hemisphere, we find ourselves in the season where we must ferment, can, and prepare for the approaching cold. In medical astrology, Virgo is associated with the small intestine.

A recent suggestion from my family (Virgo Headquarters) suggested looking through the archives of the Farmer's Almanac for a Switchel, or Haymaker's Punch recipe. Switchel is a punch made from apple cider vinegar, ginger, molasses and fresh, clean water. This checks all the boxes for a perfect Virgo beverage - detoxifying, includes a fermented ingredient, is good for your gut and includes a little bit of research!

So, cheers to another lovely season, and one I am particularly grateful for, since I seem to find myself surrounded by so many amazing Virgo folks.